THE ELIXIR OF LOVE by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt
“Poți fi stăpân pe ceea ce gândești, dar niciodată pe ceea ce simți.”
A simple exchange of letters between two past lovers has an incredible power to convey the complex whims of our heart.
The ambiguity of love as claimed by Schmitt comes from having a single word incorporating two different notions: attachment and desire.
Time favours friendship more than love simply because routine takes away the passion. While desire craves touching, kissing and physical union, shared affection slowly takes away the physical desire:
“Love cultivates knowledge while desire worships the unknown.”
We truly have two opposing forces within us, on one hand there’s our need for long term attachment, security and loyalty and on the other hand our flesh is attracted to new, different and unique scenarios.
Now, what do we consider winning? Is it conquering love or preserving it over time regardless of what form it takes?
Love may or may not be as linear as we tend to describe it but it sure has the potential to take hold of you again, sometimes even through deep, introspective messages.